Through video documentation I’ve collected the narratives of youth from Washington, D.C. who departed on a transformational journey into the Catoctin Mountains for a five-day retreat in the summer of 2014. These students were given a chance to escape the city, actually be kids, and use nature as a tool to connect deeper within themselves. Through facilitated workshops, drum circles, spoken word, performance, and movement workshops spaces were made for healing; everyone was empowered to share their stories, fears, and traumas so they could find internal peace. This story is about the beautiful power of unconditional acceptance and belonging that was created on that journey, a power that exists within us all.
These students are considered “at risk.” Different parts of the United States define the term “at risk” in a variety of ways, and there’s no consistent definition making it difficult to compare state policies on the subject. “At risk” is frequently used to describe youth who are viewed as less likely to succeed academically, graduate, or thrive independently during adulthood. It’s critical for society to understand that “at risk” is a concept reflecting probable outcomes, not certain ones, and the implementation of remediation can give youth a fighting chance to succeed in life.
Fly By Light is a program developed and run by One Common Unity, a grassroots non-profit focused on teaching their students about peaceful conflict resolution, expression through art, leadership, and activism within community. Fly By Light seeks to keep students away from violence in the city and improve their chances of graduating from high school. On this trip, the youth and adults alike learned how to critically explore factors influencing their lives and contributing to their totality.
One Common Unity (OCU) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that inspires personal growth and nurtures sustainable, caring communities through social-emotional learning services and arts empowerment programming. Since the year 2000 OCU has successfully created spaces to transform the lives of youth and families. Through arts-based peace education in schools, summer youth initiatives and through festivals and concerts, we have assisted young people in telling their stories and sharing them with others. OCU teaches people how to create media, arts, and music that reflect the stories of those working diligently to create communities which honor and respect one another and understand our inherent equality and interdependence. OCU believes violence is a learned behavior, and therefore, if someone can be taught violence, they can also be taught compassion, cooperation, and the skills necessary to create healthy and mutually beneficial relationships. Check out their website to learn more about them and opportunities to get involved!
Want to know more? Please feel free to dive into my research located in the following PDF. here
Catoctin- Camp Round Meadows
Hover over different parts of the campground image to see more pictures and video from the retreat!